Thursday, July 28, 2011

Shoes to the Nth Power! :)

When I found out that I was going to have a baby girl, I knew right then and there that I may end up spoiling the little one with too many clothes and trinkets. I never had a sister, and this baby was going to be my living doll. Hehe.

Now that she's two years old, I have filled a medium-sized cabinet with her clothes, and thankfully I had finally found that little switch in me that says 'off' when it comes to 'temptations' like clothes, bows, etc. Although I could still feel my heart skip a beat when I see a pretty dress or a pair of really dainty tops and bottoms (oh just imagining them's making me weak). For our family's (and the cabinet's) sake, I have to control myself from buying stuff that aren't necessary.

Friday, July 15, 2011

The Daily Struggle

I can't believe I haven't written on this blog since June 24th! I've been quite busy with my kiddie party blog (which reminds me, I'm still working on another draft for that. Whew), and had been quite taken with the researching and putting things together. :) Oh, and not to mention my online jobs (a WAHMmy has to bring in some moolah too.).

And of course, in between, during, before, and after everything else, I'm also attending to my super active little girl.

Which brings me to the point of my daily dilemma: THE ONSET OF TODDLER TANTRUMS.